It''s amazing that to hear the voice of Cheer Chan in
outside of Taiwan. I was on the way back to Perth to
see the baseball match that Chinese Taipei v.s.
Australia to hear the new album from a friend of mine
on Valentine's Day. Although it's my first time to
join the baseball in the past 26 years, my team lost,
There're a lot of ups and downs in each every single
day. Sometimes, I feel so lonely and unenergetic, and
sort of sick or tired of the life here. It's totally
out of my expection that Cheer Chen's music still can
save me absolutely.
To be honest, I don't feel very satisfied with this
new album. Firstly, it's a little bit commercial.
Second of all, I still have a crush at the accoustic
guitar rather than electronic one. Finally, I think
Cheer Chen has already changed her way of singing. Anyway, I will still be one of her hundred thousands
of fans no matter what happen.
Plus, I'm going back to my lovely home in 50 days
which let me feel excited to. Before arriving, I'll
enjoy the two concerts which is by1. Coldplay on 28/2, 09.2. Eric Clapton on 8/3, 09.
Words can't describe my feeling about going to see the
legend Eric Clapton's concert. I believe it will be
one of my most precious memories in Australia.
Anyway, I'll see you guys home soon. Take care,
Friday, 20 February 2009
課程名稱 報名人數 金額 小說編劇班 2 2580 題...
說實在的,貓對我來說還是有種太過於邪惡或著動靜分明的感覺。但亨利則不同於其它的「貓」。 這是一隻我在澳洲相遇的貓。記得以前初到澳洲時,當時居住的地方也養了隻黑貓。之後到了唐尼布魯克也發現了二到三隻貓。而亨利就是其中一隻。 亨利,我們那些台灣人都不知他的「真正」名字是什麼?正因為他...
課程名稱 報名人數 金額 小說編劇班 2 2580 題...
每個人都有些特點,有些人喜歡走在情人的左側或吃飯時一定要對面著電視。但對我來說,我也有些讓我自已或朋友不能理解。就是我非常地不喜歡被拍或著在某一特定的名勝古蹟下猛按快門。 所以,這也就是為何我在我的blog裡放著那麼那麼少的照片。當然,看見一些朋友自已經營的照片裡,那樣美豔動人又...