Monday, 24 August 2009
2 parties
one of my best korean friend, Tazz, the one in the middle and wore the light-brown suit and black beanie and white t-shirt. before he left, we took a snap and I was the one carring the camera. he is a wonderful person ever.
just about a crazy night. not sure who came out with that idea the all of people needed to be dress up for a party. i think it's quite good cuz it's really to boring in the county life.
the one week trip update
this is my roommate, kamei hiroaki. he is such great person and has a heap of fun. at this moment, he is my best friend in Australia and also my great teacher hiro.
she is araki siori, she was my japanese teacher as well, actually, she's really nice teacher cuz she has a very kind, paitent and funny personality. we were the tasmania.
these are 2 weirdo, hiro and twinkle. this gatusre is kind of greeting between them. i love it by the way.
this is the last picture and probably the last time in our life that 6 of all were together. it on the way back the airport and we took a snap before leaving there.
this is the night-face of Melbourn. where you can find the amazing stuff. and where i really wanna live.
my job experiences here
this is the picture of my boss (one wearing the red t-shirt) and one korean friend (one wearing the jumper), we were working in the grape farm and did the prum. it's quite easy.
this picture is about the first job here since I came to AU for 2nd time and the one in the middle is Jason from Taiwan and the other 2 are frenchy. we picked the apple about one month which is quite long.
this is another picture of the morning before we started to job in the grape farm. i really love the sun shine on this moment, right angle and perfect light and tired mind, ha.
the rainbow
yes, this is where I am staying at. It's winter season and raining season here as well. While we are working on the orchard or farm, the weather can be very unexpected. It may rain gentlely or forcely. It, also, could be for a 10 minutes or 30 seconds. It even hails sometimes. Keeping putting on and off raining coat is the result from the weird weather.
But, one thing is brilliant is the rainbow here is incrediable beauty. This rainbow was seen by me on the way back home from work. This picture also recall me a lyrics of song by the eagles which is depserado. Here it is. " it may be rainning, but there's rainbow above you!"
But, one thing is brilliant is the rainbow here is incrediable beauty. This rainbow was seen by me on the way back home from work. This picture also recall me a lyrics of song by the eagles which is depserado. Here it is. " it may be rainning, but there's rainbow above you!"
課程名稱 報名人數 金額 小說編劇班 2 2580 題...
說實在的,貓對我來說還是有種太過於邪惡或著動靜分明的感覺。但亨利則不同於其它的「貓」。 這是一隻我在澳洲相遇的貓。記得以前初到澳洲時,當時居住的地方也養了隻黑貓。之後到了唐尼布魯克也發現了二到三隻貓。而亨利就是其中一隻。 亨利,我們那些台灣人都不知他的「真正」名字是什麼?正因為他...
課程名稱 報名人數 金額 小說編劇班 2 2580 題...
每個人都有些特點,有些人喜歡走在情人的左側或吃飯時一定要對面著電視。但對我來說,我也有些讓我自已或朋友不能理解。就是我非常地不喜歡被拍或著在某一特定的名勝古蹟下猛按快門。 所以,這也就是為何我在我的blog裡放著那麼那麼少的照片。當然,看見一些朋友自已經營的照片裡,那樣美豔動人又...