Daniel was born with autism, however, he masters 10 different languages. Besides, he owns a speical feeling to number. He can easily remember the ratio of the circumferen to 22,514th decimal place. Moreover, he can tell you any day in the future will be which day without any hesitation. Daniel was invited to the American Boardcast Company impressing everybody because of the speed of his mental calculation is faster than the one of the computer.
According to the report, Daniel was born in London, Britian in Jan, 31th, 1979 as the first child. Based on what he said, his birthday is a specific symbol as a relation to the number, and that is because the number 31, 19 and 79 is prime number which is his favorite. He can extingusih any single prime number from until 9973.
On the view of his, all the single number from 1 to 10,000 are unique to him. Those numbers own different color, character, image and even affection. The visualization of number makes an operation as easy as turning his hand over.
When he is doing division, he can see a the shape of helix going down to a certain point which is gonna be the answer.
In addition to it, he is talented in language field. He can speak 10 different languages. Also, he used to learn the Icelandic in just 7 days. Furthermore, he created a new language including aound 1000 vocabularies as well and named it Mento.