This is a old movie which was released around 1990s played by Johnny Depp who played the one of the famous movie Cabbribean Pirate(never mind if wrong spelling.) Actually, I'm not kind of the love story movie person but this movie really let me moved on that moment seriously.
Johnny Depp as the Edward Scissorhands whose hands are scissors that can't hold and even hold the one he loves. Base on this point, it's obvious to know it's a sad love story. Edward was brought from the old and creep castle where he used to live and be created to city where Edward never been before by the local Avon(a brand of the cosmestic) represtentive by chance.
Edward can't handle almost the daily life such as having a meal and wear the clothes but he is a excellent barbor and tree decorator. Everything seems very interesting to him and he fell in love with a girl. I'm not going to tell all the detail of the story and if y0u are interested in this movie, you can watch by yourself instead but there's one thing I want to add is Edward did the ice scuplture for the one he loves. Plus, when he cut, shave and scurb the ice, it became the snow at the same time. So, that's the beginning why the weather snows today.
For sure, snowing is nothing to do with Edward. It's all bullshit, but so what???That's the most charming part, isn't that?
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