Thursday, 26 November 2009
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Ode to my teacher 常雄
きょうは 気持ちが よっかった。だって 常雄さんは 日本から きた。この間 あった 時は 多分 一年半ぐらい。もっちろ きょうの 夜 彼に 会った時 僕は めっちゃ うれしかったよ。
あったから MRTで 淡水に 行って めしを たべて はなした。淡水の ゆめな 食べ物は やっばり 阿給と鉄蛋だ。夜めしを たべてから 僕の いっちばん 好きの ところに いった。
まだあるね あのおおきい 木。それあど 常雄さんに はなしだ。
多分 9時ごろ タイペイに 帰って いった。もう 一度 約束が した。
いつが どこでも いい。 常雄さんに あう。
常雄先生は 日本語を 教えて くれって ありがどう。
I really felt so good today because my Japanese teacher Mr.Tsuneo came to Taipei for visiting. I still remember that the last time when we met was about one and half year ago. One thing that I'm sure is I was so happy while seeing him here in Taipei.
Later, we went to Densui by the MRT and had a lot of delicious and famous food in Densui. Definitely, Agei and iron egg are the most famous food here in Densui. We had dinner together and went to my favorite place where you can find a big tree out there.
It's still there while seeing that big tree. We talked quite a lot under the tree.
We came back to Taipei around 9 o'clock and made another appointment again.
Someday, we can meet each other somewhere again.
My teacher, I do appreciate that you teach me japanese.
あったから MRTで 淡水に 行って めしを たべて はなした。淡水の ゆめな 食べ物は やっばり 阿給と鉄蛋だ。夜めしを たべてから 僕の いっちばん 好きの ところに いった。
まだあるね あのおおきい 木。それあど 常雄さんに はなしだ。
多分 9時ごろ タイペイに 帰って いった。もう 一度 約束が した。
いつが どこでも いい。 常雄さんに あう。
常雄先生は 日本語を 教えて くれって ありがどう。
I really felt so good today because my Japanese teacher Mr.Tsuneo came to Taipei for visiting. I still remember that the last time when we met was about one and half year ago. One thing that I'm sure is I was so happy while seeing him here in Taipei.
Later, we went to Densui by the MRT and had a lot of delicious and famous food in Densui. Definitely, Agei and iron egg are the most famous food here in Densui. We had dinner together and went to my favorite place where you can find a big tree out there.
It's still there while seeing that big tree. We talked quite a lot under the tree.
We came back to Taipei around 9 o'clock and made another appointment again.
Someday, we can meet each other somewhere again.
My teacher, I do appreciate that you teach me japanese.
Friday, 20 November 2009
五月天 mayday メイデイ

Falling in love with May Day again!
It was around ten years ago that I heard of "May Day." By the time, I was 18 year-old. The first album wasn't that impressed to me until the second album was released. At the same time, I just started to learn how to playing guitar. Due to the easy guitar chords and very meaningful lyrics to me, I've learned quite lots of songs of May Day. Moreover, I went to see their concert as well. The atmosphere there was heat and full of energy.
After the third album was released, I started to listen to another kind of different type of music except the popular music that led me be away from listening to May Day's.
Another seven years later(maybe), I was away from my home and travelled by myself. Once I heard of May Day's music by accident from my friend's computer. It was sort of consolation to me and support me in some ways.
Now, I'm back to home and have spending some time listening and watch their video over the internet. They are still young, energetic and creative. They are just like who they were even it's been 10 years already.
A-Shin said that " I will not to feel regretable to do anything while I can and should!"I think, that's exactly the spirit of May Day and what I need.
And, that's way I am falling in love with them.
むう一度 メイデイの こどが 好きです
むう一度 メイデイの こどが 好きです
多分 十年前に 初めて メイデイの こどを ききました。そのどき 僕は じゅうはじ さいでした。あまり 覚えるこどが できませでした。それご 彼達の 二番目の アルベンを 聞きましたら、 よく覚きました。 それで 僕は ギタの 弾くこども 習いました。 そんな やさしい コドと 意味が あるィリクスから、 彼達の歌を よく 弾きに 勉強しました。 そして メイデイの カンセトも 来ました。 あの カンセトの中が たくさん ヒトと エノチも ありました
三番目の アルブン後 僕は いろいろな 音楽を 勉強しました。でも メイデイの 音楽では ありませんてした。
七年 くらい後 僕は 別に国で 旅行しました。 あそこで メイデイの 音楽を 聞きました。 ほんどう うれしかったです。
今 自分の国へ 帰って 来ました。 イントネトで よく メイデイの 音楽と ビデオを 見って います。 彼達は いつも 若くて 元気そです。 全然 変えないと 思です。 僕に とっで メイデイは 十年前の 一緒。
アーシンさんは 「自分は 悔やす こどが しませんです。」と 言いました。とれは メイデイの スピリトで いちっばん 大切の物と 思です。
それは 彼達のこどが むう一度 好きです。
Monday, 16 November 2009
Can I talk to you?
It's been another 2 weeks and 1 more day since I left Donnybrook. The weather here is fine and the sky line still can't be seen all the way out among those high concrete stuff which are called houses here.
Getting busier and busier by trying to get used the life-style that I'd spent more than 20 yrs. It's always my home town. Things are changing, however. They are nothing to do with the custom, culture even the side of the road people walk on but you.
I thought everything is gonna be just "all-right." Try to be strong and better. It's a hard job since we all left there.
Can I talk to you freely or in casual?
On the way back to Taiwan, the middle-age couple sat right next to me showing the tenderness of love from their eyes to each other warmly. The sights are full of trust, happiness and love that recongnize he and she are the one. They have found theirs. The one that we all need.
Can I talk to you sometimes?
There was huge ocean between. Now, I've got a wall instead of the ocean. The wall is tiny but hard enough to keep me away from you.
Can I talk to you if you are agree with that?
Getting busier and busier by trying to get used the life-style that I'd spent more than 20 yrs. It's always my home town. Things are changing, however. They are nothing to do with the custom, culture even the side of the road people walk on but you.
I thought everything is gonna be just "all-right." Try to be strong and better. It's a hard job since we all left there.
Can I talk to you freely or in casual?
On the way back to Taiwan, the middle-age couple sat right next to me showing the tenderness of love from their eyes to each other warmly. The sights are full of trust, happiness and love that recongnize he and she are the one. They have found theirs. The one that we all need.
Can I talk to you sometimes?
There was huge ocean between. Now, I've got a wall instead of the ocean. The wall is tiny but hard enough to keep me away from you.
Can I talk to you if you are agree with that?
Saturday, 14 November 2009
Kuala Lumper
It's the first time that I've been to Kuala Lumper.
The first impression isn't that good due to the humid climate.
The second impression isn't that wonderful due to the people in the night market who keep pretending being nice to you in order to get your money.
Anyway, I just wanna get out of here and go to somewhere doesn't matter.
The first impression isn't that good due to the humid climate.
The second impression isn't that wonderful due to the people in the night market who keep pretending being nice to you in order to get your money.
Anyway, I just wanna get out of here and go to somewhere doesn't matter.
課程名稱 報名人數 金額 小說編劇班 2 2580 題...
說實在的,貓對我來說還是有種太過於邪惡或著動靜分明的感覺。但亨利則不同於其它的「貓」。 這是一隻我在澳洲相遇的貓。記得以前初到澳洲時,當時居住的地方也養了隻黑貓。之後到了唐尼布魯克也發現了二到三隻貓。而亨利就是其中一隻。 亨利,我們那些台灣人都不知他的「真正」名字是什麼?正因為他...
課程名稱 報名人數 金額 小說編劇班 2 2580 題...
每個人都有些特點,有些人喜歡走在情人的左側或吃飯時一定要對面著電視。但對我來說,我也有些讓我自已或朋友不能理解。就是我非常地不喜歡被拍或著在某一特定的名勝古蹟下猛按快門。 所以,這也就是為何我在我的blog裡放著那麼那麼少的照片。當然,看見一些朋友自已經營的照片裡,那樣美豔動人又...