Friday 28 May 2010

my opinion about Foxcon

This is a news about what has happened in Foxcon factory in south of China recently. Foxcon is one of the most competive factories of producing and assembling the parts for Apple company. Owing to the stable wage income, a lot of people are eager in working there until the October, 2009.

While many people were looking forward to trying to work in Foxcon, some of the people worked there had told others the real working situation by suicide. And one led to another, the same case kept happening again and again. By yesterday, there have been 13 people trying to kill themselves. 2 of they are wounded and the rest of they are dead.

Those unexplained cases led people hardly not to notice. All the media around the world expressed about this news and all of the sudden, the founder the Foxcon, Guo, who is quite responsible and successful business man in Taiwan had become the only one whom people wanna ask the question to.

It's without saying that plenty of reporters have waited for Guo's coming and heckling him seriously. Under that presure and controversy, Guo flew to China immedidately and started to hire the psychologists to cure the wound inside and to raise the wage by 20 percent to cope with the wound outside.

When everything seemed like become better, just at that night, the 13th person just committed suicide. Nowaday, everyone is wandering that why this thing keeps happening. But, there's one thing sure is this event has become a catastrophy for all the workers in Foxcon and definitely Guo as well.

Tuesday 25 May 2010

oh my god

lately, according that my dog strongly dislikes my feeding stuff for dog. therefore, my mother bought it a feeding stuff for "cat."

Friday 21 May 2010

some talks



Wednesday 19 May 2010


彼は僕の大学の先生だった。あの四年間 彼はずっと英語で話してた。今も。
先週の週末に 大学の友人は結婚式に行く途中で、もと大学にも 見に行った。そのとき偶然 ジャクさんに 会ってしまいまして 十分ぐらい 相談した。でも、僕はオ一ストラリアで ファマになったことを 彼はあんまりうれしくない。
「とうして ファマの仕事をしたの?」
「もと 良い仕事を探せなかったの?」と聞かれた。

本当に オフィスの仕事のほうが勝ったのをおもってるのを思う。実際に 僕はちょっと かがりした。そんな話して後。

最後に ジャクさんは お願いことが 僕に くれた。それは ジャクさんの名刺を他の友達にあけるといってた。そのあとも「THANK YOU」といってから、僕はずっく 「NO WORRY」と返事して後、彼は「君はもうAUSTRALIA人になった」といってた。面白いね!!!



Thursday 13 May 2010

the sound of stair!!!!/video/video.php?v=123595344318872

How to get more people to walk the stair?

I just clicked this link and really really found this idea is so lovely that almost people will fall in love with. Basically, this idea offers me two very nice points of view. First of all, of course, it's about the music. The person or group who came up with this idea was designning the stair as a keyboard. So, the sound of music will be produced by stepping on them and you can also make it a beautiful melody unless you get more friends to do with that. Second, this reason can be very very very subjective because the place where you can find in this video is Stockholm where that captial of Sweden where some of my best pals live.

Anyway, why don't we try to make it here as well? But as long as there're not " too many" people to step on them "too much." That way, stair can be vivid!!!

Monday 10 May 2010


これは どうして日本へ行く理由。(彰吾さんに 直していただきました。)
僕は日本語を勉強して一年間ぐらいです。それに 小さい頃から 日本の物に興味があります。例えば、ドラマ、アニメ、野球とまんがです。それ以来 僕は日本の物と文化が好になりました。
オ一ストラリアに 旅行と英語を勉強するために おととし行きました。旅行している途中で、いろえろな日本人と会って、友達になりました。日本人の友達に 日本語を教えていただきました。僕にとって、日本人はとても親切だし、やさしいし、礼儀正しいです。
僕は今までに会った日本人の友達かどういう国から来たのか知りたいです。それうえ、彼達に 会いたいし、日本語も 勉強したいです。以上です。


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